Friday, July 25, 2008

Dr. Carol Riley

Dr. Carol Riley, loving mom and devoted friend, died unexpectedly on July 25, 2008, at the age of 48.

Carol graduated summa cum laude from Colorado State University with a B.S. in Biology in 1982, receiving grades of A for every class except for a single B, and was a member of Phi Beta Kappa. She then obtained a Master's Degree in Accounting and worked as a CPA for many years. Carol left her career to return to Colorado State and earned a Ph.D. in Ecology in 2001. Carol could have maintained her career and salary while working on a certificate or online degree, but Carol always strived for excellence and insisted on a real Ph.D. degree.

Carol was employed as an Instructor at the Kenosha campus of Gateway Technical College. She cared very deeply for all of her students and loved learning in any form; staying current in her fields of instruction - physiology and anatomy - was also very important to her. Carol was an avid horse rider and also enjoyed the outdoors through walks and gardening activities. She loved animals and provided a home for cockatiels, cats and a big Airedale named Barney. Carol also loved to read both fiction and non-fiction titles and often devoured a dozen or more in a single month. She was an enthusiastic musical theater fan and shared that passion with her children. She supported the arts in many forms in the Racine area and was also a member of the Caledonia Conservancy. Carol and her children were Friends and attending supporters of Olympia Brown Unitarian Universalist Church in Racine.

Carol is survived by her two beloved children, Emma and Ethan, and her sister Susanne in California. In lieu of flowers or other gifts, please consider a donation to an educational fund that is being set up at Johnson Bank for the children.

A memorial service will be held at 11 a.m. on Saturday, Aug. 2, at Olympia Brown.


  1. I was shocked to hear of Dr. Riley's death. I was a former student of hers who met her children in class and also on a field trip we took. God bless the children in this difficult time. May He give them the strength they need. I hope all works out for them.

  2. A month has gone by and I am thinking of Carol. I did not know her well but spoke to her at work as we taught in adjoining labs. How little we know of the people around us, their lives, their pain. Please Lord make me an instrument of your peace in dealing with coworkers and students every day. I honor each day, each second with my own children and life on this beautiful blue ball we call mother earth.

  3. I learned of Carol's Passing and send my sincere sympathy to all whose lives she touched. I have good memories.
    Ranger Steve

  4. I had no idea of Carol's death until now 09/21/2011. It has been a long time since I last saw her and her family. Today I became curious and simply Googled her name.

    Before I moved away from the area I knew Carol fairly well, but only for a short length of time. Carol possessed a broad knowledge of biology. She had a wonderful smile. I love how she loved her children. Her animals - oh, those cats - were very cool!

    I am sad...very sad. I wish her family well. Carol, I did not forget you and I will not forget you.

  5. I miss you Mom. I could never have asked for anyone better. I love you.

  6. I am totally shocked to learn of Carol's passing! I watched Emma & Ethan for several years when I worked at Prairie after school & summer program & while she went on her honeymoon. I am so sorry to hear about this tragedy! Carol was a wonderful woman! Emma & Ethan, if you ever check this know that you have always been in my heart & will continue to be. All my love to you!
