Friday, April 24, 2009

Josephine 'Josie' Rose Beckett

Josephine “Josie” Ros (nee: Saavedra) Beckett, 78, passed away at Wheaton Franciscan Health CareAll Saints on Friday, April 24, 2009, with her family at her side. Josie was born in Texas on August 30, 1930, the daughter of Margarito and Cruse (nee: Gonzales) Saavedra.

She was united in marriage to William “Bill” Beckett at Holy Communion Lutheran Church on June 26, 1954. Josie was a faithful and devoted member of Holy Communion Lutheran Church, along with being very involved in the Evangelism Committee and the Prayer chain at Holy Communion.

She was an avid Packers and Brewers fan, and along with her husband found great enjoyment in attending citywide softball games. Most of all, Josie found her greatest love spending time with her husband, children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Josie is survived by her husband Bill, the love of her life, of almost 55 years, along with her devoted children, Rose (David) Bequeaith, William Jr. (Susan) Beckett, Vicki (Domingo) Chavez, all of Racine, Cynthia (Victor Sr.) Chavez, of Fredericksburg, Virginia; her loving twelve grandchildren, Jennifer (Joe), Rachel, Lisa, Billy III, Victor Jr., Christopher, Joshua, Jeremy, Zachary (Anica), Ashley, Matthew and Jarred.

She is further survived by her adoring great-grandchildren, Juanio, Hailey, Selena, Cailyn, Aiden, Nevaeh and Nathan; brothers and sisters, Esther (Paul) Bishop of Racine, Frank Rodriguez of Milwaukee, Mike (Nancy) Saavedra, Ann Beckett and Mickey (Judy) Saavedra all of Racine; and two godchildren, Julie Beckett and Brandon Bernal.

Josie is also survived by brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, nieces, nephews, other relatives and many many dear friends. She was preceded in death by her parents; sister, Guadalupe Braun; and great granddaughter Faith Haluska.

Funeral services honoring and remembering Josie’s life will be held at Holy Communion Lutheran Church, 2000 W. 6th St., on Tuesday, April 28, 2009, at 10:30 a.m., with Rev. Jeff Barrow and Rev. Kathy Brown officiating. Burial will be held at West Lawn Memorial Park. There will be a visitation at the Sturino Funeral Home on Monday from 4 p.m. until 8 p.m. and at church on Tuesday from 9:30 a.m. until service time at 10:30 a.m. In lieu of flowers, memorials to the family in Josie’s name to be directed at a later date would be appreciated.

Josies’ family would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to the nursing staff at W.F.H.–All Saints I.C.U. for their fine care, and to Andrew and Carol Duncan for their never-ending friendship. Most of all, a very special thank you to Rev. Jeff Barrow and Rev. Kathy Brown for their friendship and spiritual support during Josie’s illness and always.

Sturino Funeral Home
3014 Northwestern Ave., Racine 262 632-4479


  1. My Aunt Josie was my God Mother too, she was always there for any of us that needed her. She and Uncle Bill would see to it that I would get to church and sunday school back when I was younger and even later they would Take my Grandmother Martha to church with them. For this was one of their gifts, to give of themselves. Over the years Aunt Josie sent, Christmas, and Birthday cards and would try to keep me included in all the family activies, even after I had moved away from Racine. I'll always cherish going over to their house to play games or cards with them and my Dad after my my parents divorced. Aunt Josie and uncle Bill looked out for everyone, That was their loving nature.
    Uncle Bill, Rose, Bill, Vicki, Cindy, and all your families, we are so sorry for your loss. Aunt Easter, Uncles Frank and Mike, Aunt Ann and to my Dad and your families again We're sorry for the losses of your sisters Lupe and now Josie. We pray that the Lord heal you and keep you in his blessings, that you can be assured Aunt Josie is in His courts, bringing Praises, Glory, and Honor to our Creator, Lord and Savior. For she was His servant here on earth so to she'll serve Him in heaven, whole and beautiful, for Our Lord went ahead of her to prepare her a room through his sacrifice on the cross for us. Know that She loves you as the Lord so loves us all. In Jesus Name, AMEN
    We Love you Aunt Josie, You'll aways be alive in our Hearts
    Tim & Kelly Saavedra

  2. To: Grandma,

    I love you and miss you very much although we rarely got to see each other but when we did it made up for the time that we were apart. And now i know how much love and affection you had towards all of our family and friends. I will always love you grandma! WE WILL NEVER FORGET YOU GRANDMA!! May you rest in peace!

    Your Grandson Joshua

  3. To My Beloved Grandma Josie:

    You will be forever remembered in my heart. It's sad to admit that i didn't know you very well and it makes my heart ache very much. I can say that the woman I knew was the backbone of Grandpa Beckett and his family. You were a strong willed woman and I will take on the values that you have bestowed upon my mother, Cynthia. I will pass these values onto my children someday and tell them what a great woman you were.

    Love Your Grandson,
    Matt Chavez

  4. To My Mother-In-Law (Mom) Josie,

    It's hard to imagine that this day had to come. I know it's God's will and that he has a special place for you in heaven! I can tell you personally that I wish that we were much closer but because of the path I chosen for my family and me, it was difficult for us to spend a lot of time together. I know you understood and didn't love us any less than all your other love ones and the feeling was definitely mutual. I guess this is my only real regret. I can't thank you enough for giving your Daughter Cindy to me. You did an outstanding job because she turned out to be not only a wonderful Wife, but a wonderful Mother and Grandmother just like you. I will always remember you and love you and until we meet again!

    Your Son-In-Law (Son)
    Victor Chavez Sr.

  5. Dear Mom,
    I never thought that I would see the day that I would be attending your funeral. It almost seems unreal. A child can never prepare themselves for such an event but, time doesn’t stop and I know you would want us to continue to live to the best of our abilities. I guess you can say that I’m truly lost and still hurting very badly and I’m not sure I can ever got over you not being here, not being able to call and talk to you for your advice or just lending an ear and always providing the best advise possible, but I know that you would want me to live as though you are with me. As a matter a fact even though you are not here with me physically I know you are with me in spirit and I can always count on you and talk to you. I would like to thank both Dad and You for raising me the proper way you did and bring me up with God in my life. Both Dad and You instilled the importance of family and church life in My Family and Me. Our entire family has been Baptized and Confirmed Lutheran. Our Granddaughter was Baptized and She’ll be confirmed when she’s old enough. When Our Grandson, Nathan is born in June/July of this year (2009), he too will be Baptized and Confirmed. I have a lot of fond memories of You Mom and all the wonderful things we did together at Church, such as playing the part of Mary, singing Solo’s and teaching Sunday School. I know the Lord chose you for a reason and that was because how special you are and your faith in the Lord. Mom, I know you’re resting peacefully because you are in a better place, heaven that is. You definitely left a legacy, Our Children, Your Grandchildren turned out to be fine young Men trying to follow your beliefs and footsteps. I’m struggling with your passing because it was totally unexpected and I’m sorry I wasn’t there to say goodbye but, I know you understand and always looked at the brighter sides of things in life. My family is also, sad however, you taught me to be strong in my convictions and thank God I have my family to get through these tough times. You taught me so much in life but, I will always remember your saying “It is the tough times and the Lord will only give you what you can handle.” Mom, I thank you for Dad being in my life, and I thank the Lord everyday. I know things seem cloudy right now but, always remember that first and foremost we will always love you and if you ever need to talk, I’m only a phone call away. Also, be assured that I’m always here for you. Mom, One day we’ll be together again and when we do we’ll celebrate with the Lord. You touched the lives of so many people to many to count and I’m positive God is smiling upon you and all your accomplishments! Mom, I love you and miss you dearly!

    Your Loving Daughter Cynthia.
