Travis definitely lived life to the fullest. He was a fanatic about riding motorcycles, four-wheelers and snowmobiles - though his deepest passion was for racing his “Green Machine” car. Above all, Travis was happiest when in the surroundings of his family and friends. He loved to spend time with his “Princess” Arianna and his “little buddy” Jordynn.
Surviving are his parents, Rick and Nanci Bestwick of Kenosha; sister, Shawna Bestwick; niece, Arianna; nephew, Jordynn; aunts, Judy (Michael) Guzoldo, Diane (Robert) Motyka, Marybeth (Michael) Madry, Kileen (Louie) Koutromanos and Peggy (Scott) Smith; uncles, Stewart (Marjorie) Bestwick, Jack (Verna) Bestwick, David (Lyla) Orrico; Michael, William and John Hulchiy; and the love of his life, Dana Neises. Travis is further survived by many other aunts, uncles, cousins and many, many friends too numerous to mention by name.
Travis was preceded in death by his grandparents, Michael Hulchiy, Dorothy Hulchiy, Lester Bestwick, Charles Orrico, Lorraine Orrico-Pattee and Bill Pattee; uncle, Robert Hulchiy; and very dear cousin, Michael Madry.
Funeral services will be held in the funeral home on Thursday, June 26, 2008, at 7:30 p.m. with Rev. Jeffrey M. Thielen officiating. Visitation will be on Thursday from 4-7:30 p.m. All are invited to return to the funeral home on Friday beginning at 1:30 p.m. for the procession that will leave for Sunset Ridge Memorial Park at 2:00 p.m.
A heartfelt note of thanks to all the first responders of Kenosha Police and Fire; Flight-For-Life; and Froedtert Hospital for trying to save our beloved Travis. May God bless all of you!
Draeger-Langendorf Funeral Home & Crematory
4600 County Line Rd., Racine (262) 552-9000
27 Jun 2008, the family and friends of Travis (Tito) Austin Bestwick, 25 years of age, placed him at perminent rest in Racine, WI. Those Green Shirted friends of Travis gave the most honorable
representation, to a friend, I had ever seen. This was stated by vertually every family member in attendence. I sincerely hope that Travis's death was not in vain, The Illegal Alien, who was Drunk, Unlicensed/Insured, who cared nothing for the life he intentionally took, must be brought to trial, convicted and sentenced to the highest levels of the judicial system. A Slap on the rist and free ride back to Mexico is utterly unacceptable to contemplate. Manslaughter/murder should be treated as they are, the wanton and willfull taking of the life of another. Sending him back to Mexico with a slap on the hand, is completely and morally wrong. He intentionally robbed my brother's family of a cherished son, to say nothing of the lose to or entire family and to Travis's friends.
Stewart M. Bestwick
Ridgeville, South Carolina
I never had the pleasure of meeting Travis, he is my cousin by marriage. The loss this family has expressed via emails tells me he was an incredibly loved young man! JUSTICE MUST BE SERVED!!! THIS MUST BE TREATED AS AN INTENTIONAL ACT OF MALICE! IF THIS MAN WALKS BECAUSE HE IS AN ILLEGAL ALIEN WHATS TO STOP HIM FROM "SNEAKING BACK IN" AND DOING SOMETHING LIKE THIS AGAIN! NOT TO MENTION THE MESSAGE IT WOULD SEND TO OTHER "ILLEGAL ALIENS!" Hopefully our messages get out to the people that can make sure,"TRAVIS BESTWICK'S KILLER" GETS WHAT HE DESERVES!!!
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